1. 有机与无机材料合成与制备
2. 纳米薄膜材料及异质结构制备
3. 微纳器件的设计和加工制造
4. 先进传感与微纳能源技术
1. 遵守学术道德行为规范;
2. 国内外知名院校获得博士学位不超过3年,年龄在35周岁(含)以下;
3. 具有材料、能源/电子工程、物理、化学、化工等相关学科或专业背景;
4. 诚实守信、热爱科研、科研兴趣广泛;对工作认真负责、勤奋努力,有良好的团队合作精神;
5. 具备良好的逻辑陈述能力,具备良好的英文读写和交流能力;
6. 博士期间以第一作者在国际期刊发表SCI论文,具有一定的独立开展科研工作的能力。
1. 完成相关科研项目与研究所工作;
2. 申报和协助申报国家自然科学基金及省、市各级项目;
3. 协助指导本科生及研究生。
1. 薪酬待遇按照上海交通大学规定从优发放;
2. 如获得其他人才计划,按政策给予叠加支持。
1. 请将完整的个人简历(包括教育背景、工作经历、成果情况、联系方式),以及其它能够说明科研和工作能力的材料发送至邮箱sjtu_nmenergy@126.com,邮件标题注明“博士后应聘+本人姓名+毕业院校”;
2. 联系人:
电子邮箱: xiaotianzhang@sjtu.edu.cn
The Nano-Micro Energy Platform at Shanghai Jiao Tong University is actively recruiting research fellows, including postdoctoral researchers, research associates, assistant professors, and associate professor to join our esteemed scientific research team. Situated at the Zhangjiang Advanced Research Institute of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, our platform is dedicated to advancing the science and application research of cutting-edge nano-micro energy technologies. Our overarching mission is to pioneer future energy solutions, develop sensing technology for micro-nano scale energy conversion, and drive transformative research across various domains. This includes theoretical breakthroughs, innovative material structures, device manufacturing, and system integration, aligning closely with the global initiative for "carbon peak, carbon neutral."
The Platform boasts a prolific publication record, with over 160 papers featured in esteemed academic journals such as Science Advances, Advanced Energy Materials, Nature Nanotechnology, Joule, Cell Report Physical Science, Nano Energy, and The Innovation. Additionally, we have secured more than 40 domestic and international patents and patent applications, underscoring our commitment to innovation and impact.
We invite applications from candidates interested in the following research directions:
- Synthesis and preparation of organic and inorganic materials
- Thin film nanomaterials and their heterogeneous structures
- Design and manufacturing of micro-nano devices
- Advanced sensing and micro-nano energy technology
Responsibilities for prospective candidates include:
- Holding a doctoral degree from a reputable university obtained within the past three years, and being under the age of 35
- Possessing an academic background in materials science, energy/electrical engineering, physics, chemistry, chemical engineering, or related disciplines
- Demonstrating a passion for research, with broad research interests and a strong teamwork spirit
- Exhibiting excellent logical presentation and communication skills
- Possessing the ability to conduct independent research and publish papers in international journals
- Successfully completing related scientific research projects
Interested candidates are encouraged to submit a comprehensive CV (inclusive of educational background, work experience, achievements, and contact information) along with other supporting materials to: sjtu_nmenergy@126.com.
For inquiries or further information, please contact:
Prof. Dr. Xiaotian Zhang
Assistant Professor
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Tel: (+86)13851775232
Email: xiaotianzhang@sjtu.edu.cn